Chosen by God
Chosen by God
Chosen by God by Dr. R.C. Sproul is a contemporary classic on predestination, a doctrine that isn’t just for Calvinists. It is a doctrine for all biblical Christians. In this updated and expanded edition of Chosen by God, Sproul shows that the doctrine of predestination doesn’t create a whimsical or spiteful picture of God, but rather paints a portrait of a loving God who provides redemption for radically corrupt humans.
We choose God because he has opened our eyes to see his beauty; we love him because he first loved us. There is mystery in God’s ways, but not contradiction.

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The R.C. Sproul Signature Classics
For the first time, eleven of Dr. Sproul’s most influential books have been compiled in a beautifully crafted six-volume collection. Featuring significant titles on the character of God, the gospel of Jesus Christ, and the nature of the Christian life, The R.C. Sproul Signature Classics make an attractive addition to a personal library or an ideal gift for students of Reformed theology.