God has not left us wondering what He wants us to do with our lives. Today, R.C. Sproul presents the roadmap to a life that pleases the Lord.
The question that Christians grapple with all the time is, “Oh God, what do You want me to do? How can I serve You?” I mean, we’re torn apart by all kinds of Christian subcultural norms and standards that sometimes have little or nothing to do with the will of God. We all have our little pet rules and regulations that define the Christian experience.
The bottom line for the Christian is not, What does my church want me to do? Or what does my fellowship group want me to do? Or my accountability group want me to do? What does God require of me? What is it that I am called to do that will be pleasing to God?
Now, we can argue about the technical questions of to what degree, legally and covenantally, we are under the statutes of Old Testament Israel. But one thing is certainly clear in the new covenant: that people who are in Christ have been redeemed, first of all, from the curse of the law. They know that they can’t be redeemed by counting upon their good works or on their obedience, but they have been redeemed unto righteousness and that the goal of the Christian life is righteousness. And how do we know where the goal line is? How do we know what righteousness looks like if we ignore the brightest and clearest revelation of that righteousness, which is found in the law of God?